Republic Steel is committed to providing our customers with hot rolled & cold finished steel bars, coils and cast products for demanding forging steel applications that are delivered on time, meet quality expectations and provide real value.
When manufacturing our special bar quality (SBQ) products, Republic strives to control the environmental impacts resulting from our operations, and to ensure the health & safety of our employees and those working at our plants on our behalf.
Republic's Environmental, Health & Safety Management System is committed to the prevention of pollution, injuries and ill health while continually improving our system's management and performance.
Republic complies with applicable legal requirements and other subscribed requirements that relate to both the environmental aspects and workplace hazards of our business.
Through ISO 14001 and a Safety Management System developed in cooperation with OSHA and other stakeholders, Republic’s Environmental, Health, & Safety Management structure is based on training, employee participation, document control, objective and target setting, and management’s periodic reviews to ensure environmental protection and a safe and clean workplace.
Remember: P I C
Leave your workplace cleaner than you found it!
Rob Koury